Paul O’Connell Highlights Health and Safety for Team Limerick Clean-up (TLC2)

Paul O’Connell was joined by Limerick’s Chief Superintendent, Dave Sheahan and the children from St Gabriel’s School & Centre in Limerick today, to urge volunteers taking part in the massive clean-up on Good Friday to exercise caution and care during the event. Team Limerick Clean-up2 (TLC2) is a clean-up taking place in Limerick on Good Friday, 25th March. Over 13,000 people have registered to take part on the day. Sponsored by the JP McManus Benevolent Fund, the initiative is supported by Paul O’Connell. According to Chief Superintendent Sheehan; “It’s imperative that all groups and participants take responsibility for themselves on the day for their own safety. In particular observing the Rules of the Road at all times. We are asking all participants to have Safety as their No 1 priority on the day and not to take any chances”.

For Information: Diana McCabe/Colette Walsh, DMC Communications Ltd, Tel 01 295 3519

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