Team Limerick Clean-Up ‘Design a TLC Bottle’ Exhibition


Team Limerick Clean-Up ‘Design a TLC Bottle’ Exhibition


Team Limerick Clean-Up (TLC) is excited to announce the opening of the ‘Design a TLC Bottle’ Exhibition, which will be on display at the Hunt Museum until Friday.  

Primary school classes throughout the city and county were invited to decorate a reusable water bottle prop with recyclable materials of all kinds to show their pride and love for their homeplace. The most interesting design will be printed on an aluminium reusable bottle and presented to each winning pupil!

This year, over 50 primary schools from across the city and county participated in the competition and it is hoped that the exhibition will spark a conversation about the importance of recycling and caring for the environment amongst a younger generation.

Team Limerick Clean-Up is an initiative sponsored by the JP McManus Benevolent Fund and supported by Limerick City and County Council. Endorsed by Paul O’Connell, the official partners include Mr Binman, The Limerick Leader, The Limerick Post and Limerick Live 95FM.

The fifth edition of TLC takes place this Good Friday, 19th April. Organisers urging people to register now and help make their community a tidier, more liveable place. www.teamlimerickcleanup.ie