RTE’s Emma O’Driscoll, launched the Team Limerick Clean-up Instagram site on Tuesday 24th February. Team.Limerick.Cleanup on Instagram will keep volunteers and members of the public up to date on planned clean-ups and groups who have signed up!

On Good Friday, 3rd April 2015, a massive clean-up day in both Limerick City and County will take place. Team Limerick Clean-up or ‘TLC’ and event patron, Paul O’Connell are inviting the people of Limerick to join up and help make the community of Limerick a spotless place! Sponsored by the JP McManus Benevolent Fund, the TLC initiative is co-ordinated by Limerick City and County Council and is supported by Mr Binman, the Limerick Leader and Limerick’s Live 95fm.
Commenting at the sign-up, Paul O’Connell said: “We are asking people to come out on the morning of Good Friday for a few hours to help make Limerick a cleaner and better place. It’s going to be a great event and hopefully our kids will participate as well and learn about the importance of keeping their city tidy and having pride in their place.
Getting involved is quick and simple – sign up at www.teamlimerickcleanup.ie or telephone 061 496200 to find out more. Information packs and clean-up kits will be available for everyone who registers and by getting involved in the very first year, you will become part of history! The clean-up packs will be available for collection at selected outlets throughout the city and county. The TLC team will contact you directly by SMS to advise you of your pick-up locations!
By Richard Lynch.
The final day to sign up to the TLC is Monday, 23rd March. Don’t forget to sign up here
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